Carbon footprint of Nature's Pride 

CO2 baseline study

Blonk carried out a CO2 baseline measurement (carbon footprint) for Nature’s Pride, a company based in the Netherlands. Nature’s Pride supplies 230 different fruit and vegetable products from 59 countries, such as avocados, berries, ginger and papayas. One of their aims is to make the world healthier and more sustainable. In pursuit of this aim the company runs various projects on packaging and reducing food losses and also supports projects to improve living conditions in communities where they source their products.

The results of our baseline study will help Nature’s Pride to understand how they can best reduce their CO2 emissions and set goals to achieve this.

Carbon footprint of Nature’s Pride

For the baseline study we calculated the carbon footprint in the year 2017, including all greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane, nitrous oxide and coolants. We focused on the most imported products (fruit and vegetables), broken down by country of origin. The following life cycle stages were considered: cultivation, transport (air, sea and road), storage and processing (including packaging and losses). In addition, we took into account the carbon footprint of the facility services within Nature’s Pride offices, such as modes of commuting and energy use and waste management in the office buildings. These components determined the total carbon footprint of the organisation.

Results and next steps for Nature's Pride

The results of the study gave Nature’s Pride many valuable insights and food for thought on reducing their CO2 emissions as an organisation. Based on the study outcomes they have started to draft various measures related to transport, energy, mobility and waste that will decrease their carbon footprint. For example, Nature’s Pride is preparing tests with Apeel (a plant-based preservation technology) on avocados to extend shelf life and hopes to be able to do so in the near future for asparagus. 

If successful, air freight can be reduced for these products. On the operational front, Nature’s Pride is expanding their electric vehicle fleet and installing more solar panels and LED lighting.

Together we set up a CO2 reduction plan and Science Based Target Initiative  application. 

More information

Get in touch

Janjoris van Diepen
Footprint Director North America

Do you have questions about this project or, or are you interested to implement the Science Based Targets into your organization? Please get in touch with Janjoris.