Environmental standards development
Harmonizing environmental calculation rules

Measuring environmental sustainability can be a big challenge. Moreover, there exist many ways to calculate the environmental impact of a product or product value chain. Different companies use different methods and different background data. This makes it impossible to make fair comparisons between products for instance. It obstructs the way forward to create truly sustainable food systems.
To tackle this challenge, we support industries and sectors to develop harmonized environmental calculation rules, based on the latest available international methodologies.
Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk has been involved in the major global developments related to LCA and environmental standard development. Examples are the European Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) method and PAS 2050.
How we can help you
PEFCR development
We can support you to develop Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules in line with the European Commission's requirements.
Harmonized sector footprint guidelines
Introduce harmonized footprint guidelines for your sector. Get consensus on how to calculate environmental footprints and get your sector on the same page.
Training and capacity building
Increase understanding and knowledge on environmental footprinting, and make sure your sector get to started.
Examples of our work
More information
Get in touch

Jasper Scholten
Please get in touch with Jasper if you would like to learn more about our Environmental Standards Development services.