13 Mar 2018

Improved services and new features to define healthy and sustainable diets

Taking Optimeal to the next level

One of the biggest global challenges we face is to make food production and consumption both healthier and more sustainable. Besides the growing world population, there is a shift in the composition of diets which is a source of increasing environmental concern. There are also challenges related to malnutrition and non-communicable diseases. Since its development in 2013, Optimeal has given us the tools to meet these challenges by optimising diets to make them healthy AND sustainable. It is now time to re-evaluate Optimeal.

We are currently redeveloping Optimeal with the assistance of Frontwise, a company specialised in design and development of sublime user experiences. Together we aim to elevate Optimeal to the next level, with improved services and new features to create even more value for your organisation.

Web-based access

One of our concerns was that users had to log on to a remote server, which is not permitted under the security policies of many organisations that use Optimeal and in many cases required creative workarounds. Optimeal 3.0 will be fully web-based so it can be accessed from any computer with internet access. Its look and feel will also be improved so you can find and use all the Optimeal functionalities quickly and easily. A wizard will guide you through the important decisions during an analysis and the consequences of your choices will be highlighted.

More user-friendly

Optimeal 3.0 will be much more user-friendly. Versions and iterations on data, diets and nutritional constraints will be logged and differences relative to the default files will be visualised, and it will be possible to add comments to any changes. These new features will allow you to track the work that has been done and enable more detailed reporting.

Product development for food-producing companies

We are especially enthusiastic about the new feature that will aid product development for food-producing companies. This new product creator will give you insight into the nutritional and environmental profile of your new product. You will be able to alter ingredient combinations to identify the optimal composition for the intended market. When you are satisfied with the product composition, you will be able to introduce the new product into a diet for a thorough analysis of how it can make the best contribution to a balanced diet.

We are hoping to release Optimeal 3.0 in mid-2018 and will keep you up to date on developments.

More information

If you have any questions about Optimeal or the topic of healthy and sustainable diets,
please get in touch with Roline Broekema at roline@blonkconsultants.nl or call +31 (0) 182 579 970.