7 Aug 2022

Update of Agri-footprint: the world's leading source of environmental footprint data for the agri-food sector 

Agri-footprint 6 is now available

selective focus photo of wreath

Since its release in 2014, Agri-footprint has become the world’s leading Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) database in the agri-food sector. Known for its high-quality data and global scale, it is an increasingly important source of information for experts working on environmental assessment of the agricultural value chain. These experts represent key stakeholders from the private sector, the scientific community, and governmental authorities, who are unified in their mission of building a more sustainable future. As such, we are excited and proud to announce that the newest version of Agri-footprint is here to enable that mission. There are many additions to this update, but most notably a large expansion of animal production systems. More update details can be found below.

Agri-footprint 6 is available for purchase, where we have multiple licensing options to meet different needs. Additionally, Agri-footprint 6 is available for SimaPro users and as a paid database for openLCA, through openLCA nexus (available soon).

Agri-footprint 6 - what's new?

Animal production systems

It’s increasingly apparent that urgent efforts are needed globally to improve the impact of environmentally intense products, of which animal products rank highly. As such, we largely expanded our animal farming datasets to provide thorough environmental information on major animal products, using experience and knowledge from projects we have performed over the past years. The newly added datasets include:

  • Dairy: Belgium, Germany, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil, New Zealand, United States.
  • Pig breeding and fattening: Belgium, Germany, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil, North America, Europe.
  • Broiler breeding and fattening: France, the Netherlands, China, Japan, Thailand, Brazil, United States.
  • Pullet rearing and egg production: the Netherlands, North America, Europe.

The datasets have been developed with state-of-the-art methodology and data sources. Emissions calculations were performed using our Animal Production System (APS) Footprint tool (APS-footprint), which enables consistent use of up-to-date LCA methodology. The Life Cycle Inventories (LCIs) are mostly based on secondary data, from sources such as peer review publications, Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM) databases and National Inventory Reports (NIR). Together with experts we reviewed and improved the data.

Improvements of the dairy datasets

The dairy datasets were developed in parallel with the EF 3.0 agri-food database development in collaboration with the European Dairy Association (EDA). These datasets were reviewed by regional dairy production experts, increasing reliability and representativeness. The cooperation with EDA is intended to be the basis for a continuous improvement of dairy datasets. Throughout of process of creating these country-typical benchmark data, Blonk coordinated the planning, involvement, and contribution of many stakeholders.

Other new components of Agri-footprint 6

  • Update of activity data
    • Cultivation data (e.g. yield, manure, Land Use Change)
    • Market mix data
    • Prices of meals and oils (allocation)
  • Improvement of modelling:
    • Peat oxidation for all crops
    • IPCC 2019 modelling
    • Post-harvest data based on country specific data
    • Regional artificial fertilizer production
  • Replacement of background data
    • From ELCD to ecoinvent for energy use, materials, chemicals, transport and infrastructure

Total number of processes

Market mixes


Food products

Animal Production Systems

Agri-footprint 5 (2019)

3,755 398 520 188 4

Agri-footprint 6 (2022)

4,841 420 582 212 37

Basis for other environmental databases

EF database and GFLI

The Agri-footprint methodology has been also used as backbone for several other leading environmental databases. Examples are the EF database of the European Commission and the Global Feed Lifecycle Assessment Institute (GFLI) database. In these cases, the data are generated within the Agri-footprint framework, making use of the Agri-footprint development tools and background data.

Documentation: Methodology reports publicly available

The methodology reports of Agri-footprint are publicly available and contain background information on the methodology, calculation rules, and the data used to develop the data published in the database.

What’s next?

Future developments of Agri-footprint

We continuously work on expansion and improvement of the Agri-footprint database. In the coming year we will work on expansion of agri-commodity data and setting up more review groups for defining national representative datasets. We expect to release the next version of Agri-footprint in 2023.  

Get Agri-footprint 6

License options

You can access Agri-footprint in various data types (Impact Result Level, System Process Level and Unit Process Level) and formats (Excel, CSV, JSON). The Impact Result Level contains the calculated environmental impacts of all products and processes using the ReCiPe 2016 midpoint (H) method, while the System Process and Unit Process Level are more detailed. All versions of Agri-footprint 6 contain some ecoinvent background data.

  • Research license
    For academic or NGO use in research, reports, presentations, or teaching
  • Commercial license
    For single-user generation of multiple reports, presentations, and research & development
  • Developer license
    For multi-user generation of multiple reports, presentations, research & development, and integration within a tool, software, or service

Get an Agri-footprint license

LCA software: SimaPro and openLCA

Furthermore, Agri-footprint is available in various LCA software. It is available for free in the latest SimaPro version. For openLCA Agri-footprint can be purchased via the openLCA Nexus.


Bugs & issues

To us, transparency is essential in developing truly sustainable agri-food value chains. This is why we want to be open about all currently known bugs and issues in the database, including our envisioned solutions. On this page you can find an overview of all current bugs and issues.

Did you find a bug? Please report it to us.

More information

Get in touch

Jixin Liu - Sales Consultant, Blonk
Jixin Liu
Sales and Customer Support Consultant

Please contact Jixin if you want more information on Agri-footprint and the available license offerings and prices.