Environmental calculation rules

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GRSB launches harmonized Carbon Footprint Guideline

The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB) recently launched the GRSB Carbon Footprint Guideline, which will help sector-wide and global consistency in carbon footprint calculations for beef cattle production. Blonk advised on and developed the methodological approach and drafted the guideline in close collaboration with the GRSB Climate Science Committee.


Beer PEFCR approved by the European Commission

Earlier we announced that the Feed PEFCR (the first PEFCR) has been approved by the European Commission. On 20 April 2018 the Beer PEFCR was also given the green light, following four years hard work by all the partners to develop a single European standard for the beer sector. It makes it possible to calculate the environmental footprint of beer in a clear and consistent way.

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HortiFootprint Category Rules

There didn’t exist an up-to-date standard methodology to calculate the environmental impacts of horticultural products, like fruits, vegetables, flowers and plants. To meet consumer and industry stakeholder demands for environmental impact information, in 2018, a project was started to develop uniform calculation guidelines to be accepted across the whole horticultural value chain and in line with European directives. Blonk was part of the project team and involved as an expert.

Environmental impact reduction plan for the agri-food sector

Environmental standards development

Proven track-record in LCA and PEFCRsstandards and methodology development. 

blue and white flags on pole

Product Environmental Footprint

The Product Environmental Footprint(PEF) is a standardized approach for measuring and communicating a product's environmental footprint. Developed by the European Commission, PEF simplifies sustainability assessments for businesses and consumers. Since 2014, MXNS|Blonk has been intensively involved in EU PEF developments.