Product Environmental Footprint

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blue and white flags on pole

EU Environmental Footprint datasets

For more than 10 years Blonk has been closely involved in the EU Environmental Footprint (PEF) initiative. Currently, we’re part of a consortium (together with PRé sustainability, Carbon Minds, TCO2 Co Ltd and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) that is working on the Environmental Footprint 4.0 (EF 4.0) life cycle inventory datasets.  

yellow banana fruits

Making Life Cycle Assessment knowledge actionable

Over the past 3 years Blonk has been working with IDH. IDH is a foundation that works with businesses, financiers, governments, and civil society to transform markets for more sustainable and equitable trade in global value chains. Together we explored the opportunities of environmental assessments and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for the global value chains IDH is involved in to improve their environmental sustainability. In this article, we will share some insights into our evolving cooperation.

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HortiFootprint Category Rules

There didn’t exist an up-to-date standard methodology to calculate the environmental impacts of horticultural products, like fruits, vegetables, flowers and plants. To meet consumer and industry stakeholder demands for environmental impact information, in 2018, a project was started to develop uniform calculation guidelines to be accepted across the whole horticultural value chain and in line with European directives. Blonk was part of the project team and involved as an expert.

plant nursery

LCA standard for Growing Media Europe

Growing Media Europe (GME) is an international non-profit organization representing the producers of growing media and soil improvers at European level. Growing media are materials other than soil in situ in which plants and mushrooms are grown. For GME Blonk developed an uniform LCA Toolbox, in line with the European PEF method. A ‘task force’ of expert industry advisers were involved the development of the LCA standard.

blue and white flags on pole

Product Environmental Footprint

The Product Environmental Footprint(PEF) is a standardized approach for measuring and communicating a product's environmental footprint. Developed by the European Commission, PEF simplifies sustainability assessments for businesses and consumers. Since 2014, MXNS|Blonk has been intensively involved in EU PEF developments.

Environmental impact reduction plan for the agri-food sector

Environmental standards development

Proven track-record in LCA and PEFCRsstandards and methodology development.