Software tool development
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Development of an online LCA platform for growing media sector in Europe
Growing Media Europe (GME) is an international non-profit organization representing the producers of growing media and soil improvers at European level. Growing media, sometimes called potting soils or substrates, are materials other than soil in situ in which plants and mushrooms are grown. Blonk started a cooperation with GME in 2019 to set up an LCA toolbox, making it easy and accessible for their members and any other stakeholder to perform Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies for growing media products.

APS-footprint as core engine for Sustell™ – an intelligent sustainability service by DSM and Blonk
At Blonk, we are very proud of our cooperation with innovative companies that bring sustainable business into practice. DSM is for us a strategic partner in developing our flagship APS-footprint tool. For DSM the APS-footprint became the core engine of Sustell™, a recently launched holistic animal protein sustainability service.
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Tailored tools
At Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk, we have an expert team of software developers, modeling specialists and LCA experts who can develop software solutions for environmental footprinting to create long lasting value for our customers.

OLD APS-footprint
APS-footprint is a software solution that helps you define and monitor more sustainable animal production systems and reduce their environmental impact. It includes complete life cycle assessment (LCA) functionality and generates comprehensible results. These results can be used for research & development, monitoring innovations, CSR or sustainability reporting and communication.