29 May 2023

New colleagues! Team Blonk welcomes Jixin, José and Judith

Over the past month Team Blonk gladly welcomed lots of new colleagues. Jixin joins as Sales Support Consultant, José as Consultant within the Blonk Sustainability Tools team and Naomi as Consultant within Blonk Consultants. A very warm welcome Jixin, José and Judith, we are delighted to have you as part of our team. Let’s meet them!

Jixin Liu

Sales Support Consultant | Blonk

In April 2023, I join Blonk as the sales and customer support consultant. I will eventually be responsible for answering customer questions and helping with license sales. I will carefully listen to the clients, identify their needs and guide them to the right contact.

I studied at Wageningen University for a MSc in organic agriculture, which provided me with lots of insights into sustainable transitions in the agri-food sector. After a content-focused study, I decided to embark on a career path different from strict academic research, a path that can both utilize my background knowledge in agricultural sustainability and practice my communication skills. I’m glad to find this chance in the sales team at Blonk.

Besides work, I have strong interests in singing, piano, and architectural design. The first two hobbies keep me confident and delighted, and the last one enables me to better understand various monuments built by mankind. I also love spending time with friends in the forest or by the sea.

José Corigliano

Consultant | Blonk Sustainability Tools

I am José Corigliano, an agronomic engineer from Rio Cuarto, Argentina. I came to the Netherlands the last year to finish my master thesis “Versatility evaluation on hydrological model on the vadose zone”. As a degree student (almost a professional), I developed a deep interest in the challenge of increasing production and improving environmental sustainability, this led me to deepen my knowledge of crops, climate, animal and plant production systems. Being my passion the study of soil, its use and management, on small and large scales.

My first job in sustainability was as an independent consultant, then I had the wonderful opportunity to work at the National University of Rio Cuarto as a professor/researcher in the subject called soil use and management. In order to improve the efficiency of resource use, complete a Higher Diploma in Precision Agriculture. I have joined Blonk Sustainability as a Consultant/LCA content specialist. I am happy to join a company with such a good reputation for reducing environmental footprint analysis.

Besides working, I really enjoy reading, carpentry and photography.

Judith Groen

Consultant | Blonk Sustainability Tools

Since I can remember I have been interested in food. What can we eat, how do we prepare this, what effect does it have on our health and how does it affect the environment. So, when I had to choose a study there was no better fit than Nutrition and Health in Wageningen. I recently finished my master’s degree “systems approach to healthy and sustainable diets” which I combined with data science courses to boughten my knowledge. During my masters I wrote a thesis about the environmental impact of different diets consumed within Europe. I would like to continue this kind of research and put the finings in to practice, which is where Blonk comes into the picture.    

At Blonk Sustainability Tools I can combine my passion for nutrition, environmental sustainability, and data science as a Sustainable Nutrition Consultant. Working for Blonk enables me to put my knowledge into practice and contribute to a more healthy and sustainable future.

Besides working at Blonk, I enjoy cooking and sports. During the weekend I spend most of my time preparing new (vegetarian) recipes and playing or watching sports. I also like to meet with friends to go out for a drink, read a book or make new things with my sewing machine.