How the GFLI initiative steers towards more sustainable animal production systems
Latest developments of the Global Feed LCA Institute

Over the last years Blonk Consultants has been highly involved with the Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) initiative. One of the main activities of GFLI is the publication of a database containing environmental footprint information of the sector. Our contribution to GFLI started as the leading author of the methodology and procedures of this database. We think it is important to support initiatives such as GFLI and stimulate the animal production sector to tackle their environmental challenges and become more sustainable. GFLI is keen to continuously improving the database by adding better data and more specific emission models. Therefore, GFLI offers industries the opportunity to share environmental footprint information and steer towards more sustainable food chains. Currently, we are assisting various sectors, regions and industries to disclose their data through the GFLI database.

About GFLI
GFLI arose from the urgent call for consistent life cycle data to support environmental assessments across the feed and livestock sector. This sector has a big environmental challenge since reduction of the environmental impact of animal products is critical to stay in business on the long run. Feed production is one of the important contributors. So, this means that at feed production there is a key in making animal production systems more sustainable.
Blonk Consultants has been one of the GFLI initiators and is the leading author of the methodology and procedures. The GFLI methodology follows state-of-the-art guidelines and is built upon different standard frameworks, such as LEAP guidelines, Feed PEFCR and PEF guidelines. It is set up in a way that it can serve as a standalone methodology.
GFLI data are aimed to support meaningful environmental assessments of animal products, which are precise and consistent. In this way the continuous improvement of the environmental performance of the animal and food industry can be facilitated. Most of the GFLI data are freely available.
Where does the data come from?
An important source of GFLI data is our Agri-footprint database that provides foreground data of feed materials and background data to create new feed materials data. To make the GFLI database continuously more accurate sectors, regions and industries are encouraged to provide better data. They can set up with GFLI a so-called “data in project”, that can be supported by Blonk Consultants.
Currently we are involved in several projects with sectors which want to disclose their environmental footprint data through the GFLI database. All this data is analyzed, modelled, and finally integrated in the GFLI database.
Disclosure of environmental footprint information through GFLI

It is important to acknowledge, that by being a data provider to the GFLI, there is no sharing of primary or confidential information. This can be guaranteed because the GFLI database is published in an aggregated form, which safeguards that no direct access to aliquot data points is granted.
Why is it interesting and important to share your information?
The GFLI database is available to relevant stakeholders, such as LCA researchers, tool and software developers and business experts, who steer towards more sustainable food chains and need high quality data. Having your data in the right place increases the quality of assessments. This is critical for studies where the environmental impact of feed materials are compared on nutritional and environmental impact.
More information
If you have questions about GFLI, or interested to disclose your data, please contact Hans Blonk or call +31 182 579970.