Open Footprinting & LCA Trainings

Sharpen your skills with our trainings

Calendar for our scheduled open trainings

Here you can find an overview of our footprinting training sessions which are open for individual registration.

10 October 2024: Foundations of Environmental Footprinting in agri-food

On 10 October 2024 we organize an one day online training 'Foundations of Environmental Footprinting in Agri-Food', which is open for individual participants. 

After this training, you will be well-oriented in the world of Life Cycle Assessment and you will be able to understand and interpret the environmental impacts of agri-food systems.

9-13 December 2024: Environmental Footprinting of Food Value Chains in North America

For the North American market, we are organizing a special online course in which we will provide you with the knowledge and tools to unlock the potential of environmental footprinting and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in agri-food production.

Join our online course in December 2024!